The Neverending Story

'The finest steel has to go through the hottest fire.'
--John N Mitchell

We set up this website in late October for our wonderful, inquisitive, loving Aiyana. Yana is our eight year old daughter, sister, cousin, niece, friend and granddaughter who was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of leukemia (MPAL).

Aiyana had an amazing life and we are filled with hundreds of heartwarming memories. May all of us take to heart how much a little girl from Lockeford, CA, impacted the world and be reminded and inspired to never let the sun go down without living each day all the way through.

Her Spirit is in every Butterfly.


The Making Of An Extinct Species

The mood on the sixth floor is warm and kind. Nurses in Disney smocks come and go, visit with the families as they take the vitals, smile and really see who is in their care. They know her interests already, her humor, and she smiles back.

Catscans and more procedures, and still Aiyana blushes shyly in delight when she sees that my son Tim has come, because he's cute and always smiles. She has had a crush now for about 2 years.

We are waiting for a green light for chemo, to be sure there is no infection or other complications. We have been told UC Davis is where treatment will continue but we are happy at Sutter. With the level of care Aiyana and her parents have had here, it is hard to imagine somewhere else could be better, but I have a feeling it will. UC Davis is on everyone's lips when I tell them Aiyana's story.

Now we know what Aiyana has is a hybrid of two types: acute lymphoblastic and acute myeloid. There is a formal name for what she has, I'm sure, and purposely I am ignoring the statistics, because Aiyana is not a statistic and we're in this to get a full-on A with extra credit. I overheard that this hybrid disease is rare. But no one knows we will fight it off with our magic swords. We're taking it DOWN!

Love permeates the walls of this yellow room with stuffed animals at the foot of the bed covered with her comforter from home. It is amazingly comforting to see her among her things. Now we watch and wait as the scent of chinese takeout fills the room.


Unknown said...

I'm sending all my positive thoughts and wishes Aiyana's way. I will be checking this post everyday for updates.

Unknown said...

I love you, Laura. Thanks.

Eileen said...

Our darling little Aiyana...we are praying for you and supporting you through your trials. All our love and God's good graces are now being showered on you by hundreds of people who have never met you, but already love you and are praying for you to get through this. God is holding you in his arms and all of us are holding you in our prayers and hearts.

Eileen and Craig Fleckner

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