On the docket today is a flurry of activities at home to prepare for Aiyana's arrival, so everything is ready when we get the green light from the doctors. Last night she took a long lap around the ward and was walking so strong and fast, I nearly had to trot to keep up.
It was all smiles after such an amazingly wonderful day, and Aiyana ate and drank and read and did math homework online. When we came in, she was doing an art project with her granny and a hospital helper. Her multi-tasking skills are pretty cool, too. Hannah Montana seems to be always on the telly and she reads with me, plays with a doll, and talks to her grandpa, all at the same time. What a modern girl.
You should have heard the laughter as Grandpa reminisced about their first trip for sushi at the place with the little boats and her reluctance to eat. He made the big airplane sound with a cartoon character voice and at one point, she laughed so hard the whole room came alive with happiness. That a girl!
This miracle has been brought to you by a magical combination of good therapies, good doctors, and a good little patient bravely doing what they needed her to do. Aiyana knows going home is just for a while, until she is strong enough for the next go-round, but I see confidence in her face now. She knows what it is, she has done it already, and Round 1 is over and she won. Plus, look at the date: Thanksgiving is next week and there's NO WAY she's giving up her seat at the table.
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